You see numbers everywhere.

What do they mean?

Maybe you see repeating digits on license plates, or 12:34 when you look at the clock. 

Do you ever wonder if these numbers have a special message to give you?

If you'd like to know more about number meanings, I've created a free guide for you - the Numerology Cheat Sheet. You can use this guide to start understanding numbers, and intuitively connect to what they're showing you.

Kian Xie, aka "Master Key”

Numerologist and Mathematical Intuitive

I help spiritually gifted people - intuitives, empaths, healers, and teachers - unlock and use their gifts. 

I’m called Master Key not because I’m some kind of spiritual master - far from it! - but because I have a Master’s degree in Mathematical Studies. That experience and knowledge, along with awakening to my role as a lightworker, has led to me studying numerology to better understand how numbers affect our lives - spiritually, personally, and emotionally. 

There is so much depth of meaning to every number. Nothing is truly random, and every number you see in everyday life is as multilayered and complex as you are. I’ve seen firsthand how numbers can help us learn more about our strengths and talents, understand each other better, and heal our relationships. You can even use numbers as powerful manifestation tools to “reprogram” your life!

Understanding numbers - on a logical level as well as a spiritual level - can open you up to see breathtaking beauty in the universe and in your own life. I invite you to walk with me on this journey as we discover amazing truths about our seemingly "ordinary" world.

Learning numerology with Kian was awesome! In this numerology journey, I find myself having to go deeper within myself to feel out the numbers and their meaning. It's pushing me to become more intuitive and although it comes with a little frustration and discomfort I am growing and learning and fine tuning my god given gifts.  

Leonor Tavarez, numerology student

I never took a numerology course before because I tend to avoid anything resembling math. Kian has such a simple, relaxed way of presenting the information, I completely forgot numerology was about numbers. He truly has a gift.

Cherie Ruffo, author and spiritual leader

All content appearing on this website is proprietary, copyrighted, and owned or licensed by Kian Xie // Healing With Numbers.

 We do not sell or distribute your personal or contact information.